MSHA Silica Rule
Medical Examinations FAQ
Can AIS perform MSHA worker medical examinations?
Yes, AIS employs Professional Licensed Health Care Providers (PLHCP) as required under Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 60.15 (Silica Rule).
What is included in AIS’ medical exams?
Our exams focus on respiratory health and include the following:
Medical and work history:
Past and present exposure to respirable crystalline silica and dust
Any history of tuberculosis
Any other relevant information (Asthma, smoking history, etc.)
Physical examination:
Chest X-ray: A single posteroanterior (PA) chest x-ray classified by a NIOSH certified B-reader
Spirometry (Pulmonary Function Test) administered by a NIOSH certified spirometry technician and evaluated by a board-certified pulmonologist
How often do workers need to be evaluated?
MSHA requires an initial evaluation within 60 days of beginning employment, a follow up after 3 years, and then every 5 years after the first follow up.
Does AIS submit the documentation to NIOSH?
Yes, AIS is a NIOSH-certified provider for both X-ray and Spirometry. We comply with the stricter regulations for the Coal Workers’ Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP) submitting our reports and images within 14 days.