Diagnostic Radiology
Diagnostic radiology uses imaging techniques to diagnose and treat medical conditions.
What are Digital X-Rays?
Our Digital X-Rays are produced bedside with a digital imaging plate. Instead of taking an exposed film into a darkroom for developing in chemical tanks or an automatic film processor, the imaging plate creates and digitizes the image which is sent to the x-ray units computer. The digital image is then transmitted via internet to our HIPPA compliant PACS system to be read immediately by our Radiologist.
Digital X-Rays can be useful to:
Diagnose broken bones or joint dislocation.
Demonstrate proper alignment and stabilization of bony fragments following treatment of a fracture.
Joint replacement and fracture reductions.
Locate foreign objects in soft tissues around or in bones.
Advantages of Digital X-Rays:
Faster turnaround time for exams and readings.
No silver based film or chemicals are required to process film.
Reduced film storage costs because images can be stored digitally.
Computed radiography often requires fewer retakes due to under- or over-exposure which results in lower overall dose to the patient.
Image acquisition is much faster – image previews can be available in less than 15 seconds.
By adjusting image brightness and/or contrast, a wide range of thicknesses may be examined in one exposure, unlike conventional film based radiography, which may require a different exposure or multiple film speeds in one exposure to cover wide thickness range in a component.
Images can be enhanced digitally to aid in interpretation.
Images can be stored on disk or transmitted for off-site review.
Who interprets the results and how do I get them?
A Board Certified Radiologist trained to interpret radiology exams will analyze the images and send them to our PACS system. From our PACS system the ordering physician and nurse will be able to view the images and the report from any computer using our HIPPA compliant log in screen. No one, but your ordering physician and your nurse, will be able to see your report.